

27th May 2024


  • fixed backwards compatibility that was lost with the previous php 8 compatibility patch


6th May 2024


Improved MasterPress compatibility with PHP 8.2.


9th November 2023


  • Workaround for fatal error introduced by changes to WordPress’ wpdb class in WordPress 6.4.


  • Added actions to MPC files upload_field & WF image save_image functions.


16th February 2023


  • Fixed typo in MPFT_Video class that was causing an incompatibility issue with PHP 8.


16th December 2022


  • Fixed a bug where MB, KB, and GB were being converted to bytes incorrectly via WOOF file functions.
  • Fixed a bug where transparent images were losing their transparency on resize.


21st November 2022


  • A couple of methods that should’ve been defined as static were not defined as static – they are now.
  • Uninstall script referenced function that wasn’t available to it.


28th July 2022

Compatibility Fixes

  • Fixed fixed aformentioned bug with MySQL 8 compatibilility query where it wouldn’t return shared fieldsets if they were limited to more than 1 post type or taxonomy. This is now 100% functional for all variations of restrictions.


1st April 2021

Bug Fixes

  • WOOF_File::to_bytes hotfix


19th March 2021

Bug Fixes

  • WOOF_Collection::tag_wrap hotfix
  • WOOF requiring a non-existing file when met with a specific edgecase


19th March 2021

Code maintenance patch

  • changed the code to use wf() instead of $wf where possible – this fixed multiple bugs and removes the need to add “global $wf;” to every function.
  • formatted the codebase to somewhat fit WordPress coding guidelines.
  • removed/reworked unnecessary in a few areas throughout the codebase.


9th March 2021

PHP 8 compatibility

  • we have prepared MasterPress for running on PHP 8.

WordPress 5.7 compatibility

  • we have prepared MasterPress for running on WordPress 5.7.


5th February 2021

PHP 7.4 compatibility update

  • fixed any deprecation warnings and errors when masterpress is used on PHP 7.4


22nd December 2020

WordPress 5.6 Compatibility

Fixed a couple of issues that were introduced by WordPress 5.6

More reliable update notifications

Made some changes to how the plugin checks for updates that make it more reliable.


12th October 2020

MariaDB Compatibility

There was an issue when using MasterPress with MariaDB, this has been resolved in this update.


1st September 2020

PHP 7.3 Compat

Removed deprecation warnings & notices caused by PHP 7.3 incompatibilities.


26th August 2020

jQuery migrate helper plugin false positives

Made some changes to remove reported false positives from the jQuery migrate helper plugin

jQuery compatibilty update

replaced .load with a .on


17th August 2020

5.5 Compatibility

Fixed JS compatibility with WP 5.5.


13th February 2020

Updater Optimization/Fix

We have optimised the updater to take some load off of our server.


13th February 2020


The addition of the mp-the and mp-site shortcodes – Documentation.

Bug Fixes

Update notices should be more consistent now


6th December 2019

PHP 7.4 Compatibility

Now compatible with PHP 7.4.


12th November 2019


  • Resolved issues with MariaDB introduced with the last update
  • Further MySQL 8 compatibility changes

Next update: PHP 7.3 compatibility


21st October 2019


  • Added helper text to settings page to help avoid confusion.


  • Fixed compatibility with MySQL 8.


28th August 2019


  • Added note below license key input to avoid confusion.


  • Fixed Gutenberg compatibility issues.


15th August 2019


  • Related Posts Field: Added new Post Status option. Choose between Published, Pending, Draft, Future, and Private.


23rd April 2019


  • PHP 7 compatibilty
  • WordPress 5 compatibility
  • Fixed hardcoded http link to Google Maps JS
  • Added new “Google Maps API Key” field to Settings > MasterPress
  • Fixed Visual/HTML Editor tab JS bug


12th April 2016


  • Added correct detection of the taxonomy term editing screen in WordPress 4.5.
  • Fixed mixed protocol stylesheet / script issues when running admin under HTTPS
  • Fixed label issue for insert media button
  • Fix for “All Pages” menu label being empty under WordPress 4.4+.
  • Fixes issues with metabox icons being displayed incorrectly under WordPress 4.4+. Specifically, the “edit field set” arrows were always being displayed when they shouldn’t have been, and custom field set icons were not being displayed.


9th February 2016


  • Fixed mixed protocol stylesheet / script issues when running admin under HTTPS
  • Fixed label issue for insert media button
  • Fix for “All Pages” menu label being empty under WordPress 4.4+.
  • Fixes issues with metabox icons being displayed incorrectly under WordPress 4.4+. Specifically, the “edit field set” arrows were always being displayed when they shouldn’t have been, and custom field set icons were not being displayed.


8th December 2015


  • Fixes an issue with an oversized index on the mp_templates table when installing into sites running WordPress 4.2.
  • Fixes an issue where icons wouldn’t render in the title area of edit screens on WordPress 4.3+.
  • Fixes display issues in metaboxes when running in WordPress 4.4+
  • Fixes a mixed protocol error the video field type when embedding in an HTTPS site.
  • The Map field type now adds a marker in the center as the location changes, to better indicate where the final selected location is.


25th June 2015


  • Fixes an issue with an oversized index on the mp_templates table when installing into sites running WordPress 4.2.


28th May 2015

What’s New

  • Security Fix: Removed the Genericons index.html file from the plugin folder.
  • Video Field Type: The video field type now uses v3 of the YouTube API to restore broken functionality (the V2 API has recently been switched off).


22nd April 2015


  • IMPORTANT FIX: Added auto-correction of data associated with split taxonomy terms in WordPress 4.2. This detection will amend both custom field data (metadata) for any affected terms, but will also amend custom field data for any other objects which use a “related term” field to point to these affected terms.

  • Added Tools tab the Masterplan main menu section to allow later migration of split term data in the scenario where MasterPress was not updated to version 1.1.1 before a term had been split under WordPress 4.2.

  • Added WOOF_Image::to, WOOF_Image::jpeg, WOOF_Image::jpg, WOOF_Image::png, WOOF_Image::gif methods to allow on-the-fly conversion of images to another format.


11th February 2015

New Features

  • Complete overhaul of the MasterPress user interface.
  • MasterPress now supports selecting icon-font-based icons (Font Awesome and Genericons) for custom post types, taxonomies, field sets and fields.
  • Better support for higher resolution bitmap icons, removing the previous limitaion of using a 16 x 16 icon only.
  • Replaced MasterPress menu icons with web font icons, and updated logo to a flat version.
  • Icon fonts are now extensively used to render icons throughout the MasterPress admin UI.
  • Field Type icons have been completely replaced by a new custom-designed icon set which blends in well with the vector icons throughout WordPress.
  • Added links to the breadcrumb area of “edit” screens to be able to quickly view parent objects highlighted in their respective lists. For example, clicking on the name of the post type in the “Post Type:” will return you to the list of post types with that post type highlighted.
  • Toned down some of the glossier UI elements to match the flatter UI style of WordPress.
  • Simplified the action buttons in all listing screens, by removing “Edit” and “Manage Field Sets” buttons. “Edit” is available by clicking almost anywhere within the row, “Manage Field Sets” is available by clicking the Field Sets column (where appropriate).


  • Fixed issues with button sizes in delete message boxes.
  • Fixed issues with jQuery UI widgets and layering in the UI (z-index)
  • Added extra attributes to whitelists for WOOF_HTML HTML creation methods.
  • Fixes for update and insert methods throughout the API, which now handle post and term creation errors better.


5th August 2014



  • Fixed a fatal error in the MasterPress settings screen, causing settings updates to fail.
  • Fixed selection issues in Related Post and Related Term fields where multiple posts or terms exist with the same titles.
  • Fixed an issue with unregistered JavaScript libraries causing the theme customizer to stall.
  • Fixed an issue when looping over user roles in the user listing screen.



  • Updated select2 plugin to the latest version.
  • Related Post field – added the ability to show posts from other sites in a multisite network.


15th May 2014



  • Fixed an issue with Visual Editors not saving changes correctly when those fields were edited in the Add Tag / Term screen
  • Switched auto-updating over to using JSON requests to prevent future problems with viewing lists of changes in the WordPress plugins screen.
  • Fixed issues with custom classes not being regarded with the new TinyMCE 4 editor in WP3.9+


15th April 2014



  • Significant user interface fixes and visual enhancements for tighter integration with WordPress 3.8+.
  • Restored post type and taxonomy icons to the title area for post / term editing and post / term listing screens.
  • Added support for the new version 4 of TinyMCE included with WordPress 3.9.


  • Added WordPress filters to manipulate the available options for checkbox and radio list field types (filter documentation coming soon).



  • Fixed an issue where field and field set settings would not be stored for Page templates stored in a sub-folder of the theme folder.
  • Fixed numerous warnings related to PHP strict standards which would appear when debugging was switched on under more recent versions of PHP. (5.4+).
  • Fixed incorrect Masterplan and Site Content icons for high resolution (2x) devices.
  • Fixed an issue where numeric titles for posts would cause related post fields to show the ID of the post rather than the post title.
  • Fixed an issue where custom fields would not be saved when adding a taxonomy term via the terms listing screen.
  • Removed unnecessary date.js integration which could cause infinite JavaScript recursion issues for other plugins using date.js.
  • Remaining character count now works correctly for multi-line text field type.
  • Fixed various PHP warnings related to undefined variables.


  • Fixed numerous issues with listing posts attached to a WOOF_User object and retrieving incoming posts for a user.
  • Fixed WOOF_File enclosure method to output correct enclosure tags.


25th March 2014

What’s New


  • Significant user interface fixes and visual enhancements to make MasterPress look a lot better when used with WordPress 3.8.
  • Restored post type and taxonomy icons to the title area for post / term editing and post / term listing screens.


  • Added WordPress filters to manipulate the available options for checkbox and radio list field types (filter documentation coming soon).



  • Fixed an issue where field and field set settings would not be stored for Page templates stored in a sub-folder of the theme folder.
  • Fixed numerous warnings related to PHP strict standards, which would appear when debugging was switched on under more recent versions of PHP. (5.4+).
  • Fixed incorrect Masterplan and Site Content icons for high resolution (2x) devices.
  • Fixed an issue where numeric titles for postd woul cause related post fields to show the ID of the post rather than the post title.
  • Fixed an issue where custom fields would not be saved when adding a taxonomy term via the terms listing screen.
  • Removed unnecessary date.js integration, which could cause infinite JavaScript recursion issues for other plugins using date.js.


  • Fixed numerous issues with listing posts attached to a WOOF_User object, and retrieving incoming posts for a user.


3rd March 2014

What’s New


  • User interface has been updated to support the new Dashboard UI in WordPress 3.8
  • Added latest version of mediaelement.js. MasterPress will now also make use of the bundled version where available (WP 3.6+)
  • Moved to version 3 of CodeMirror.js for HTML source editor and Code Editor field type.
  • Migrated to new version of select2, and made the MasterPress-specific additons to select2 a separate script enqueue. This allows the standard select2 plugin (and styling) to be used by themes without including MasterPress-specific additions and style changes.



  • Fixed issue with empty availability panel when not using MASTERPRESS_MULTISITE_SHARING flag.
  • Date Picker Field: Fixed issue with zero-value dates being shown as 1 Jan 1970
  • Fixed issue with built-in Attachment post type not saving custom field (meta) data.
  • Fixed issues with Roles not being correctly imported when importing a Masterplan.
  • Re-organised third party javascript plugins to make integrating future versions a lot easier.
  • Fixed an issue where WordPress’ standard drag and drop was being interfered with when an image field was present.


  • Fixed issues with custom field data not being correctly recorded when using the MasterPress API to setup new posts and terms.
  • Fixed issues with creation of posts and terms in multisite environments.
  • Fixed issues with meta data being saved for incorrect posts and terms when creating posts and terms inside functions which are hooked into post and term save hooks for another post.
  • Fixes for looking up posts and terms in other sites when using the MasterPress API off a MEOW_Site.
  • Removed internal property caching within the MasterPress API, to avoid inconsistencies with out-of-date data.


3rd November 2013

What’s New

  • Integrated the latest versions of Select2 and CodeMirror
  • Cleaned up built-in scripts, styles, and script / style registration significantly, in an effort to allow future versions of third party libraries to be integrated more easily.



  • Fixed an issue where drag and drop to the media library would not work correctly when a MasterPress image field was present in the same post.


  • Fixed many issues when using the API to create and update posts, terms, and field values when programatically switching between sites in a multisite environment.
  • Removed a lot of built-in results caching in the API, which could cause consistency problems when updating data and trying to re-fetch. Decided it’s also best to not have this level of caching, as there are better ways to do this, such as the object cache facilities in WordPress.
  • Fixed issues with meta data being incorrectly saved when using API update methods while in a post save hook.
  • MEOW_Field::set_value now allows a MEOW_Field to be passed as an argument, which allows more expressive ways to set values based on the value of another field.


4th October 2013


  • User roles are now correctly created when importing a Masterplan containing them, as reported here


2nd October 2013


  • MasterPress now correctly supports the latest versions of the MP6 plugin.
  • Added new methods to the Map Field Type Class (MPFT_Map) to allow an alternative style of embedding via JavaScript, rather than an iframe


  • Added latest version of MediaElement JavaScript library.
  • MasterPress now falls back to bundles WordPress version of MediaElement when available.
  • The attachment (Media) post type now saves custom field data correctly, as reported here.


23rd August 2013

What’s New


  • Added a Google Maps Field Type.
  • Added preliminary support for the MP6 plugin, which is likely to represent the new admin interface in a future WP version
  • Further refinements to Google Maps Field Type.
  • MasterPress now stores its files in wp-content/uploads/mp, rather than wp-content/mp. This change brings more consistency to the way files are stored in multisite installations, and also makes plugin activation a much simpler process when the uploads directory is already setup correctly. All new installs will use this directory, but existing installs can continue to use the previous setup.
  • MasterPress now supports the new locations for files in a multi-site environment, as of WordPress 3.5, while also supporting the previous blogs.dir setup
  • Custom upload directories are now supported
  • MasterPress now isolates sites in a multisite environment by default, as suggested in the Disable Multisite Sharing support topic. Support for the previous behaviour of sharing a Masterplan across sites in a network is now enabled by defining a configuration variable.
  • The Add New Term form now also displays custom MasterPress fields (in a fairly limited amount of screen real estate).
  • Updated the “Update” and “Save” buttons to a new style closer to the current version of WordPress
  • Delete confirmation buttons now look better when deleting objects (red rollover instead of blue).
  • The image field type can now work with images that have external URLs – that is, images not stored in the local WordPress environment. This is enabled by adding the configuration line define(“MASTERPRESS_RESOLVE_EXTERNAL_URLS”, true) in wp-config. Note that external images will be pulled down and cached on an as-needed basis. Pulling images down is required to be able to generate thumbnails from them for display in both the admin and front-end.


  • The WOOF and MEOW APIs now use PHP 5 autoloading of classes, so that classes are now only loaded on an as-needed basis. This reduces the memory footprint of the plugin quite significantly for admin and front-end requests that don’t use these APIs.
  • Added auto-links to MasterPress documentation pages when using “debug” methods.
  • Added WOOF_Collection::intersect method for computing the intersection between two collections.
  • Made default param for WOOF_Collection::flatten the id of the object.
  • Added WOOF_Post::clear_terms method, to remove all terms for all or a specific taxonomy.
  • WOOF_Post::terms can now be called without a taxonomy, to fetch terms for all taxonomies.
  • Allowed WOOF_Post::remove_term to operate without needing to specify the taxonomy
  • WOOF_PostType::in_a method now allows more flexibility when dealing with terms which are WOOF_Term objects (and so have a taxonomy built-in), and added “relation” argument to all related methods.
  • WOOF::posts now uses WP_Query to fire off a query, and meta properties are now available in the collection to retrieve found_posts, post_count, and max_num_pages (accessed as simple properties).
  • WOOF now uses different directories underneath “wp-content/uploads”, to better support UI-less installation and use (which will be useful when the API is released separately in the future)
  • The WOOF API is now a git sub-module, and can be used separately to MasterPress.
  • Added GPL Licence file to WOOF.
  • MasterPress now includes a read-only (GET) JSON REST API, allowing you to serve up JSON listings of your posts to integrate with web and mobile applications. This is currently controlled by a series of WordPress filters. More documentation will be added to describe this soon…



  • Fixed a fatal error on activation for certain PHP setups.
  • Fixes a problem with capabilities for custom field sets, for user roles without the “manage_options” capability.
  • Fixed the “public” flag for post types, which is now true by default, and further refined by the more granular settings.
  • Critical fix to a func_get_args() call which was preventing the field editing interface from being rendered in certain PHP versions.
  • Posts and Terms are now ordered correctly underneath their parents in Related Post and Related Term fields (previously these was being sorted directly and ignoring the hierarchy making them difficult to work with)
  • Ampersands are now rendered correctly in all select2-based fields (Related Objects / Object Types, and select fields)
  • Fixed minor issues with undefined variables when using multi-site
  • Removed superflous “_another_field” database field in the taxonomies table.
  • Fixed PHP warning issue when displaying post columns when using other plugins and themes that register their own columns to be displayed.
  • Fixed a major issue where MasterPress was incorrectly trying to handle plugin api filters not intended for it. This caused delays in some plugin screens and loss of functionality in others.
  • Fixed issue with blank field values for the image field type.
  • Reduced the volume of inline stylesheet rules for custom icons.
  • Fixed an issue where columns created by other themes and plugins were showing PHP warnings.
  • The List Box field type now records values correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with licence verification on some server installs
  • Fixed various issues where external post types would cause theme activation to fail on certain database servers
  • Fixed issues with JavaScript failure when running alongside Magic Fields 2
  • Fixed Taxonomy warning in the edit taxonomy field set screen when WP_DEBUG was activated.
  • Fixed column errors in post listing screens for post types not created by MasterPress.
  • Fixed issue with upload paths not being correct when running WordPress on Windows via WAMP
  • Removed jQuery blockUI plugin, which was causing issues and is no longer in use. THis was causing a dialog popup to show up in WordPress 3.6.
  • Fixed various issues with dialog layering and dialog title buttons in WordPress 3.6.
  • Fixed a few issues with thumbnail display for the image field type on retina displays.
  • Fixed issues with non-static methods causing issues on install. See issue
  • Changed boolean SQL declarations to tinyint(1), as suggested here


  • Fixed undefined $wf variable issue in WOOF::post_types method
  • Fixed bug with MPFT_RelatedPost::post method, which wasn’t returning the selected posts for post types without querying enabled.
  • Added itemscope, itemtype, and itemprop to the list of acceptable attributes for HTML5 in WOOF_HTML generation methods. These attributes are an essential part of the syntax.
  • Critical fix for MEOW_FieldSetCollection::update method, which was encoding collection data incorrectly under certain circumstances, preventing some field data from being saved properly when using this method. (Note, this method is not used when saving info for custom fields when editing posts, terms, users in the dashboard, so saving via the UI was not affected).
  • Fixed fatal error issue when creating posts based on a Custom Post Type via the MasterPress API.


14th August 2013


  • Fixed issues with non-static methods causing issues on install. See issue
  • Changed boolean SQL declarations to tinyint(1), as suggested here


11th August 2013

What’s New

  • Auto-caching of external files and images is now opt-in only, by defining the config variable MASTERPRESS_RESOLVE_EXTERNAL_URLS. The auto-cache behaviour, while useful at times, can cause issues with infinite 404s if a URL points to an image/file on the same server but the file does not exist. (see bugfix below). Therefore, this should not be default behaviour.


  • Fixed nasty problem with auto-loading external images, where a URL pointing to an image on the same WP install that does not exist could cause an infinite httpd loop of 404s. Auto-caching will only occur now if the URL is external to the site, and also only if the config variable mentioned above is defined.


7th August 2013

One more beta release before the final 1.0.1…


  • The image field type will now work with images that have external URLs – that is, images not stored in the local WordPress environment. This works seamlessly, nothing that external images will be pulled down and cached on an as-needed basis. Pulling images down is required to be able to generate thumbnails from them for display in both the admin and front-end.


  • Fixed fatal error when programmaticaly creating posts based on a custom post type.
  • Fixed further issues with manage posts column display when displaying custom post types not created with MasterPress.
  • Fixed major problem causing image and file uploads to record an incorrect URL when running MasterPress on a Windows server.
  • Removed blockUI plugin which is now unnecessary and was causing issues in WordPress 3.6.
  • Fixed issue with List Box ordering not being retained on save.
  • Fixed a few issues with thumbnail display for the image field type on retina displays.


17th June 2013

What’s New:

  • Migration of content directories in 1.0.1 will no longer be specifically required. All new installs will use the new directory, but existing installs will work fine.
  • Updated the “Update” and “Save” buttons to a new style closer to the current version of WordPress
  • Delete confirmation buttons now look better when deleting objects (red rollover instead of blue).


  • The List Box field type now records values correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with licence verification on some server installs
  • Fixed various issues where external post types would cause theme activation to fail on certain database servers
  • Fixed issues with JavaScript failure when running alongside Magic Fields 2
  • Fixed Taxonomy warning in the edit taxonomy field set screen when WP_DEBUG was activated.


1st June 2013


  • The Add New Term form now also displays custom MasterPress fields (in a fairly limited amount of screen real estate).


  • Fixed a major issue where MasterPress was incorrectly trying to handle plugin api filters not intended for it. This caused delays in some plugin screens and loss of functionality in others.
  • Fixed issue with blank field values for the image field type.
  • Reduced the volume of inline stylesheet rules for custom icons.
  • Fixed an issue where columns created by other themes and plugins were showing PHP warnings.


30th May 2013


  • MasterPress now stores its files in wp-content/uploads/mp, rather than wp-content/mp. This change brings more consistency to the way files are stored in multisite installations, and also makes plugin activation a much simpler process when the uploads directory is already setup correctly.
  • MasterPress now supports the new locations for files in a multi-site environment, as of WordPress 3.5, while also supporting the previous blogs.dir setup
  • Custom upload directories are now supported
  • MasterPress now isolates sites in a multisite environment by default, as suggested in the Disable Multisite Sharing support topic. Support for the previous behaviour of sharing a Masterplan across sites in a network is now enabled by defining a configuration variable.
  • Added migration prompts and instructions in the Masterplan landing screen for sites using legacy 1.0 directories for MasterPress content.


  • Fixed minor issues with undefined variables when using multi-site
  • Fixed minimum height issue for the location pane in the Map field type
  • Removed superflous “_another_field” database field in the taxonomies table.
  • Fixed PHP warning issue when displaying post columns when using other plugins and themes that register their own columns to be displayed.


6th May 2013

What’s New


  • Added preliminary support for the MP6 plugin, which is likely to represent the new admin interface in a future WP version
  • Further refinements to Google Maps Field Type.


  • Added auto-links to MasterPress documentation pages in “debug” methods.
  • Added WOOF_Collection::intersect method for computing the intersection between two collections.
  • Made default param for WOOF_Collection::flatten the id of the object.
  • Added WOOF_Post::clear_terms method, to remove all terms for all or a specific taxonomy.
  • WOOF_Post::terms can now be called without a taxonomy, to fetch terms for all taxonomies.
  • Allowed WOOF_Post::remove_term to operate without needing to specify the taxonomy
  • WOOF_PostType::in_a method now allows more flexibility when dealing with terms which are WOOF_Term objects (and so have a taxonomy built-in), and added “relation” argument to all related methods.
  • WOOF::posts now uses WP_Query to fire off a query, and meta properties are now available in the collection to retrieve found_posts, post_count, and max_num_pages (accessed as simple properties).
  • The MasterPress APIs now use PHP autoloading (where available) to improve memory usage wherever possible.
  • The WOOF API is now a git sub-module, and can be used separately to MasterPress.
  • Added GPL Licence file to WOOF.
  • WOOF now uses different directories underneath “wp-content/uploads”, to better support UI-less installation and use.



  • Critical fix to a func_get_args() call which was preventing the field editing interface from being rendered in certain PHP versions.
  • Posts and Terms are now ordered correctly underneath their parents in Related Post and Related Term fields (previously these was being sorted directly and ignoring the hierarchy making them difficult to work with)
  • Ampersands are now rendered correctly in all select2-based fields (Related Objects / Object Types, and select fields)


  • Fixed bug with MPFT_RelatedPost::post method, which wasn’t returning the selected posts for post types without querying enabled.
  • Added itemscope, itemtype, and itemprop to the list of acceptable attributes for HTML5 in WOOF_HTML generation methods. These attributes are an essential part of the syntax.
  • Critical fix for MEOW_FieldSetCollection::update method, which was encoding collection data incorrectly under certain circumstances, preventing some field data from being saved properly when using this method. (Note, this method is separate from the updater for custom fields when editing posts, terms, users).


17th March 2013

What’s New

  • Added a Google Maps Field Type.
  • MasterPress now includes a read-only (GET) JSON REST API, allowing you to serve up JSON listings of your posts to integrate with web and mobile applications. This is currently controlled by a series of WordPress filters – more documentation coming soon…
  • The WOOF and MEOW APIs now use PHP 5 autoloading of classes, so that classes are now only loaded on an as-needed basis. This reduces the memory footprint of the plugin quite significantly for admin and front-end requests that don’t use these APIs.


  • Fixed a fatal activation error for certain PHP setups.
  • Fixes a problem with capabilities for custom field sets, for user roles without the “manage_options” capability.
  • Fixed the “public” flag for post types, which is now true by default, and further refined by the more granular settings.
  • Fixed undefined $wf variable in WOOF::post_types

Latest From the Blog

MasterPress 1.4.1 is now available

27th May 2024

This update addresses backwards compatibility issues that were introduced in the previous update. There were some edge cases where PHP 7 had issues and it didn’t work at all on PHP 5.6. We have now changed it so that the PHP 8 compatibility changes will now only affect PHP 8 and will be more thorough… 

Plugin Requirements

MasterPress requires a minimum of WordPress version 4.9, MySQL 5.6, and PHP version 5.6.20.

We also recommend that PHP is configured to use a memory limit of 64MB per request (128MB may be required for sites with higher complexity).

This plug-in is not compatible with the hosted service.

Three AM