Visual Editor – Kitchen Sink not visible

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November 4, 2014 at 5:29 am #3552
Post count: 7

We have used Masterpress on a few websites and everything has worked fine. But on our latest web project, we created custom post types with a field set called “bio”. The field type is set as Visual / HTML editor. Default tab is set to “Visual (TinyMCE).

The issue is that the kitchen sink is not visible so we can’t add any character styles or lists, etc.

Is there an option that needs to be checked that we might be missing? We have looked at our other sites using MP and the settings are the exact same. But visual editor with kitchen sink is working on those other sites.

Thanks for your help.

November 4, 2014 at 8:01 am #3553
Post count: 207

No, there’s no option to do it, it should just work. Or at least, it should take on whatever configuration is setup for the standard WordPress visual editor.

So I’m assuming the toggle button isn’t visible either?

Maybe also check if there are any JavaScript errors in the console, there may be something stopping the correct initialisation of it.

November 5, 2014 at 3:21 am #3554
Post count: 7


This is what console is telling me.

Deprecated TinyMCE API call: <target>.onClick.add(..) wp-tinymce.php:20
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function mpft-all.js:2

I am using Woo Themes canvas theme. Could there be a conflict between this theme and MasterPress?


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