Fatal error when creating new post using the Masterpress API

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June 27, 2013 at 8:53 am #3250


I am getting a fatal error when I try to create a new post using the Masterpress API.

Using the first example for creating a new post from https://www.masterpressplugin.com/docs/developer/recipes/manipulating-posts-and-terms does not result in an error. However, when I change the post type from “post” to one of my custom post types, it creates the new post as expected, but results in the following fatal error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function is_dirty() on a non-object in /home/nfswuanc/public_html/wp-content/plugins/masterpress/core/api/meow/meow-post.php on line 337

Also there are warnings like this:

Warning: Illegal offset type in /home/nfswuanc/public_html/wp-content/plugins/masterpress/core/api/meow/meow.php on line 184

for lines 184, 195, 196, 199, 200, 203, 204, 208, and 215.

I do not get this error when my custom post type has no custom fields.

I have tried this with all plugins deactivated (except Masterpress) and with the Twenty-Twelve Theme.

The following is my typical setup:

Theme: Thesis 2.o.3

MasterPress Version: 1.0.1.b5
WordPress Version: 3.5.2
Multi-site: no
Host: thewhiteumbrella.com


PHP Version: 5.3.23
MySQL Version: 5.1.69
Operating System: Linux

Memory Limit: 256M
Max Execution Time: 240s
File Uploads: on
Post Max Size: 8M
Upload Max File Size: 2000M
Allow URL fopen: on

Short Open Tag: on
Display Errors: off

Register Globals: disabled
Magic Quotes GPC: enabled
Magic Quotes Runtime: disabled
Safe Mode: disabled


BAW Login/Logout menu v1.3.2 – http://www.boiteaweb.fr/llm
Custom Post Type Permalinks v0.9.2.1 – http://www.torounit.com
Duplicate Post v2.4.1 – http://lopo.it/duplicate-post-plugin/
Login Logo v0.7 – http://txfx.net/wordpress-plugins/login-logo/
MasterPress v1.0.1.b5 – https://www.masterpressplugin.com
Peter’s Login Redirect v2.6.1 – http://www.theblog.ca/wplogin-redirect
Plugin Update Hider v0.0.4 – http://www.squarepenguin.com/wordpress/plugin_update_hider/
Raw HTML v1.4.10 – http://w-shadow.com/blog/2007/12/13/raw-html-in-wordpress/
Redirection v2.2.13 – http://urbangiraffe.com/plugins/redirection/
Simple User Password Generator v2.0.2 – http://10up.com/plugins/simple-user-password-generator-wordpress/


MasterPress v1.0.1.b4 – https://www.masterpressplugin.com
WPMU DEV Dashboard v3.3 – http://premium.wpmudev.org/project/wpmu-dev-dashboard/



Thank you for your help!

June 27, 2013 at 9:06 am #3252
Post count: 207

Sorry Adrian. Will look into this.

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MasterPress 1.4.1 is now available

27th May 2024

This update addresses backwards compatibility issues that were introduced in the previous update. There were some edge cases where PHP 7 had issues and it didn’t work at all on PHP 5.6. We have now changed it so that the PHP 8 compatibility changes will now only affect PHP 8 and will be more thorough… 

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MasterPress requires a minimum of WordPress version 4.9, MySQL 5.6, and PHP version 5.6.20.

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