Reply To: Disabling Multi-site Sharing?

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OM4 # Posted on May 3, 2013 at 3:16 pm

Yeah, I suspect both multisite methods may be required. Shared multisite, and individual multisite.

I’m just guessing here, but I think that separate (not shared) multisite functionality would probably be more popular, because more and more devs/freelancers are starting to use multisite to create client sites.

For multisite, perhaps if the plugin is network activated, then use the shared feature. But if the plugin is individually activated on an individual site/blog, then the plugin shouldn’t use multisite sharing?

Or alternatively, you could add a network admin settings screen that lets the user choose whether to use shared multi-site or individual multi-site methods. Although this may be complicated if people change the setting after the initial setup.

Re the uploads, you’re right. New multisite installs set up in 3.6 don’t use ms-files.php rewriting by default.
However older multisite installs upgraded to 3.6 do continue to use the ms-files.php (blogs.dir) method.

So your plugin might have to support both.

See for details.

Happy for you to run any ideas by me. We’ve been using Multisite for 5+ years. My skype name is james_a_collins.


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Plugin Requirements

MasterPress requires a minimum of WordPress version 4.9, MySQL 5.6, and PHP version 5.6.20.

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