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traversal | # Posted on February 19, 2014 at 2:11 pm |
Hey, glad you had some luck working out the descending order. There is a way to order by last name then first name, but it requires a custom extension of the MEOW_User class to create a method that you can then sort on. Check out this example, where you can create a simple class called “MY_User” to extend MEOW_User (the master press user class), which will then be used as the class returned by all methods that return a user in the API. Once you have that, “last_then_first_name” is also a sortable property. Pretty powerful: That same technique applies for sorting on custom fields and so on too. All you need to do is create a function to return a sortable string, and the sort methods can sort on that new function’s result. Just need to be careful not to name the functions the same as any built-in functions for the class you’re extending 🙂 As for the next release, I’ve been working away this afternoon to fix the issue with users and posts for certain post types. A lot harder than I thought actually, but fixed now. The next release will be sometime during this week, hopefully tomorrow. |
Ability to deactivate licence domains within MasterPress account management
25th October 2024
We have just rolled out an account management feature which allows licence holders to have better control over the domains that use their licence key. From the MasterPress Account Management page, the list of Active Sites that use your licence now includes a function that allows you to remove a domain from your licence. Simply…