A new image object representing the image with filter applied.
Generates an upside down reflection underneath the image, giving the appearance of the image resting on a glossy surface, and caches the result in the image cache.
Given the following unprocessed image:
The example code produces these images:

An arguments string or array which supports the following parameters:
- strength – the starting transparency (0-127, 0 being opaque) – default 80
- height – the height of the reflection in pixels – default 80
- gap – the pixel distance between the image and the reflection – default 0
- extension – the output extension to use, which also defines the output file type. This can be either “png”, “gif”, “jpeg”, or “jpg”, and if not set, the source image type will be used. default – not set
- alpha – whether to save alpha information for PNGs – default true
- prefix – a prefix to prepend to the cached output file name – default ”
- suffix – a suffix to append to the end of the cached output file name – default ”
- maxlength – the maximum length the output file name (sans-extension) can be before it will be replaced with the original filename followed by an md5 hash of all of the manipulations thus far. default – 72
Note that the maxlength param can be important, as chaining multiple filters or resizes together can result in very long file names for the cached images.