WOOF :: enqueue_theme_style( Array / String $file = style.css, Array $deps = array(), String $media = "all", Boolean $timestamp = true, String $default_extension = "css", String $parent = "auto" )

A wrapper for wp_enqueue_style which can more simply enqueue the standard style.css in your theme and assumes a base folder of THEME_DIR.

Note that this method runs all URLs through WOOF::theme_url which is child theme-aware, with the default setting being to look for files first in the child theme directory then the parent theme directory.

Note: in the example, we show this called directly in the template file before the call to wp_head(), but you also make use of the wp_enqueue_scripts action to call these functions. As long as the calls are before wp_head though, the effect is the same. 



  • Array / String $file = style.css

    An array or CSV string of file names. The CSV string may contain spaces for clarity, these will be trimmed. If specified as a string you may also use the format:
    sub_dir: filename1, filename2
    which will cause all files to be prefixed by the sub_dir as well as the default base directory.
    Note that this particular function is offered as a way to more simply enqueue the standard style.css, so it’s expected that you wouldn’t change any of these parameters from their defaults

  • Array $deps = array()

    An array of string IDs of previously registered stylesheets that must be loaded before this style.

  • String $media = "all"

    The media type the stylsheet is applicable to: E.g. ‘all’, ‘screen’, ‘handheld’, ‘print’.

  • Boolean $timestamp = true

    If true, a timestamp will be added to all URLs to ensure that as files change the URL will change too, which prevents unwanted caching.

  • String $default_extension = "css"

    An extension to use if you do not specify an extension in any of the filenames. Note: take care with this, as specifying a filename of “style.min” without the css extension will still be taken as having an extension (.min).

  • String $parent = "auto"

    Specifies where to look for the file, in the case of the current theme being a child-theme. If the active theme is not a child theme, this argument is essentially ignored. The following values are supported:

    • “auto” – Will look for the file first in the child theme folder and if not found will then check the folder of the parent theme.
    • false – Will only check for the file in the child theme. This will always return a URL as if the file exists, even if it does not.
    • true – Will only check for the file in the parent theme. This will always return a URL as if the file exists, even if it does not.

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MasterPress 1.4.1 is now available

27th May 2024

This update addresses backwards compatibility issues that were introduced in the previous update. There were some edge cases where PHP 7 had issues and it didn’t work at all on PHP 5.6. We have now changed it so that the PHP 8 compatibility changes will now only affect PHP 8 and will be more thorough… 

Plugin Requirements

MasterPress requires a minimum of WordPress version 4.9, MySQL 5.6, and PHP version 5.6.20.

We also recommend that PHP is configured to use a memory limit of 64MB per request (128MB may be required for sites with higher complexity).

This plug-in is not compatible with the WordPress.com hosted service.

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