MasterPress 1.0.1
What’s New
- Added a Google Maps Field Type.
- Added preliminary support for the MP6 plugin, which is likely to represent the new admin interface in a future WP version
- Further refinements to Google Maps Field Type.
- MasterPress now stores its files in wp-content/uploads/mp, rather than wp-content/mp. This change brings more consistency to the way files are stored in multisite installations, and also makes plugin activation a much simpler process when the uploads directory is already setup correctly. All new installs will use this directory, but existing installs can continue to use the previous setup.
- MasterPress now supports the new locations for files in a multi-site environment, as of WordPress 3.5, while also supporting the previous blogs.dir setup
- Custom upload directories are now supported
- MasterPress now isolates sites in a multisite environment by default, as suggested in the Disable Multisite Sharing support topic. Support for the previous behaviour of sharing a Masterplan across sites in a network is now enabled by defining a configuration variable.
- The Add New Term form now also displays custom MasterPress fields (in a fairly limited amount of screen real estate).
- Updated the “Update” and “Save” buttons to a new style closer to the current version of WordPress
- Delete confirmation buttons now look better when deleting objects (red rollover instead of blue).
- The image field type can now work with images that have external URLs – that is, images not stored in the local WordPress environment. This is enabled by adding the configuration line define(“MASTERPRESS_RESOLVE_EXTERNAL_URLS”, true) in wp-config. Note that external images will be pulled down and cached on an as-needed basis. Pulling images down is required to be able to generate thumbnails from them for display in both the admin and front-end.
- The WOOF and MEOW APIs now use PHP 5 autoloading of classes, so that classes are now only loaded on an as-needed basis. This reduces the memory footprint of the plugin quite significantly for admin and front-end requests that don’t use these APIs.
- Added auto-links to MasterPress documentation pages when using “debug” methods.
- Added WOOF_Collection::intersect method for computing the intersection between two collections.
- Made default param for WOOF_Collection::flatten the id of the object.
- Added WOOF_Post::clear_terms method, to remove all terms for all or a specific taxonomy.
- WOOF_Post::terms can now be called without a taxonomy, to fetch terms for all taxonomies.
- Allowed WOOF_Post::remove_term to operate without needing to specify the taxonomy
- WOOF_PostType::in_a method now allows more flexibility when dealing with terms which are WOOF_Term objects (and so have a taxonomy built-in), and added “relation” argument to all related methods.
- WOOF::posts now uses WP_Query to fire off a query, and meta properties are now available in the collection to retrieve found_posts, post_count, and max_num_pages (accessed as simple properties).
- WOOF now uses different directories underneath “wp-content/uploads”, to better support UI-less installation and use (which will be useful when the API is released separately in the future)
- The WOOF API is now a git sub-module, and can be used separately to MasterPress.
- Added GPL Licence file to WOOF.
- MasterPress now includes a read-only (GET) JSON REST API, allowing you to serve up JSON listings of your posts to integrate with web and mobile applications. This is currently controlled by a series of WordPress filters. More documentation will be added to describe this soon…
- Fixed a fatal error on activation for certain PHP setups.
- Fixes a problem with capabilities for custom field sets, for user roles without the “manage_options” capability.
- Fixed the “public” flag for post types, which is now true by default, and further refined by the more granular settings.
- Critical fix to a func_get_args() call which was preventing the field editing interface from being rendered in certain PHP versions.
- Posts and Terms are now ordered correctly underneath their parents in Related Post and Related Term fields (previously these was being sorted directly and ignoring the hierarchy making them difficult to work with)
- Ampersands are now rendered correctly in all select2-based fields (Related Objects / Object Types, and select fields)
- Fixed minor issues with undefined variables when using multi-site
- Removed superflous “_another_field” database field in the taxonomies table.
- Fixed PHP warning issue when displaying post columns when using other plugins and themes that register their own columns to be displayed.
- Fixed a major issue where MasterPress was incorrectly trying to handle plugin api filters not intended for it. This caused delays in some plugin screens and loss of functionality in others.
- Fixed issue with blank field values for the image field type.
- Reduced the volume of inline stylesheet rules for custom icons.
- Fixed an issue where columns created by other themes and plugins were showing PHP warnings.
- The List Box field type now records values correctly.
- Fixed an issue with licence verification on some server installs
- Fixed various issues where external post types would cause theme activation to fail on certain database servers
- Fixed issues with JavaScript failure when running alongside Magic Fields 2
- Fixed Taxonomy warning in the edit taxonomy field set screen when WP_DEBUG was activated.
- Fixed column errors in post listing screens for post types not created by MasterPress.
- Fixed issue with upload paths not being correct when running WordPress on Windows via WAMP
- Removed jQuery blockUI plugin, which was causing issues and is no longer in use. THis was causing a dialog popup to show up in WordPress 3.6.
- Fixed various issues with dialog layering and dialog title buttons in WordPress 3.6.
- Fixed a few issues with thumbnail display for the image field type on retina displays.
- Fixed issues with non-static methods causing issues on install. See issue
- Changed boolean SQL declarations to tinyint(1), as suggested here
- Fixed undefined $wf variable issue in WOOF::post_types method
- Fixed bug with MPFT_RelatedPost::post method, which wasn’t returning the selected posts for post types without querying enabled.
- Added itemscope, itemtype, and itemprop to the list of acceptable attributes for HTML5 in WOOF_HTML generation methods. These attributes are an essential part of the syntax.
- Critical fix for MEOW_FieldSetCollection::update method, which was encoding collection data incorrectly under certain circumstances, preventing some field data from being saved properly when using this method. (Note, this method is not used when saving info for custom fields when editing posts, terms, users in the dashboard, so saving via the UI was not affected).
- Fixed fatal error issue when creating posts based on a Custom Post Type via the MasterPress API.